Relating Good Quality of Life and The Habits of Happy People

Recently we came across the Huffpost article linked below where Psychologist Martin Seligman explores the habits of happy people.  With much talk these days about how to go about supporting better quality of life of people with disabilities, it often boils down to figuring out ways to support people to be happier and more fulfilled.

Usually when you look up what makes up a good quality of life, you find some stuff that tries to establish what Quality of Life is, but it seems to be harder to find what practices and habits actually lead people to better quality of life.  There is still  much to learn in this area.

The article below offers some mostly universal ways to help improve quality of life in domains like Emotional Well-being, Personal Development, Social Inclusion, Interpersonal Relations and Physical wellbeing.

As you read the article think about how you might adopt some of the habits yourself, and how you might help people with disabilities to also try some of the habits.


How might we support people to be surrounded more by happy people? (This would support Emotional wellbeing, social inclusion, interpersonal relations even physical wellbeing)

How might we support people to appreciate the simple pleasures of life? (This would support Emotional Wellbeing, physical wellbeing, maybe personal development)

How might we support people to devote some time to giving something back to their community? (This would support, Emotional wellbeing, social inclusion, interpersonal relations, physical wellbeing, could support material wellbeing,)

How might we support people to uphold in-person connections?(This would support Emotional wellbeing, social inclusion, interpersonal relationsShare ideas and thoughts in the comment box below

Click this link to read the article

As a reference to the Quality of life domains mentioned above, below is the Quality of Life framework developed by Schalock and Verdugo. It is one way to look at some of the universal domains of QOL.


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