Lego® Serious Play® Workshop
Project Citizenship and Skills Society hosted a Lego Serious Play event at the Edmonton Public Library to explore disability and citizenship issues.

Molly's Story
Molly has been volunteering at the Garneau-University Early Learning Centre for several decades, and is loved by her coworkers and the children.

Building Communities Together Through Engaged Citizenship
Project Citizenship is collaborating with University of Alberta Community Service-Learning students, and the Edmonton Public Library to host a unique citizenship exploration at the downtown Stanley Milner Library

Quentin's Story: The Power of Presence
Quentin is a young man with a disability who takes part in his community by attending the drum circle and jam nights at YOUCAN Edmonton.

Scott's Story- A Well Respected Man
Project Citizenship interview with Scott who is an inspiring citizen with a disability who advocates, is employed and makes our communities a better place.